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SurveySpot Review

editUpdated on: August 31, 2018 by anvitalis

SurveySpot ReviewSurveySpot was created by Survey Sampling International, partners with the world’s leading researchers since 1977.

Through the SurveySpot research panel, you can tell the researchers what you think of their products and services or give your opinions on the issues of the day. Researchers offer prizes and rewards for your participation in their surveys.

To date, SurveySpot members have received a record $1,277,000 in cash and rewards. Monthly sweepstakes offer a total of $10,000 in prizes; individual surveys provide additional awards such as Amazon gift certificates, and $5, $10, and $20 monetary awards.

Get paid cash and money for taking SurveySpot online paid surveys. Earn money and win valuable prizes!

Each time you complete a Survey Spot survey in a three-month period, you’ll receive an entry in a special drawing held four times each year. This special quarterly drawing is in addition to the monthly sweepstakes drawings. SurveySpot will award one lucky winner who completed a survey in the preceding three months $1,000 to spend any way he or she likes! Look for news about the prizewinning panelist in an upcoming SurveySpot newsletter.

SurveySpot has introduced a new online rewards program. The rewards payment program makes it easy for you to see how much you’ve earned in SurveySpot rewards, if your rewards payment has been mailed, and other important information.

Accepts panelists from U.S., Canada, UK, and Australia.

Join SurveySpot  and get paid for your opinion today.