Online Panel Review
Updated on: August 31, 2018 by anvitalis
Michael Bach, President and CEO, created in 1991. The company was born in the heart of Silicon Valley. Evolved from a traditional market research company to a state-of-the-art Internet-based, full-service market research firm, is now nationally recognized as a leading online market research provider.
Since working with Encyclopedia Britannica to complete one of the first online studies ever conducted, has attracted national attention, including mentions in USA Today, InfoWorld, PC Week, Bloomberg Press, ZD Net, Gannet News Service, MarketWatch, CMP TechWire, c/Net, CNN Interactive, Entertainment Weekly, Iconocast, InformationWeek, Investor’s Business Daily, Money, NewsPage, San Jose Mercury News, and Time.
Through the years, has expanded its range of services (now completely in house-full service) and client base to become a top-tier provider of research services.
You will benefit in two ways by joining the Consumer ePanel. You will help shape the way companies conduct business and determine the products and services they provide. You will also have the chance to win some great prizes by simply joining the Consumer ePanel, every time you participate in one of their online surveys. Your opinion counts!
Accepts international panelists
Start completing paid surveys now: Join Online Panel