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Mixer Telephone Speech Study Review

editUpdated on: August 29, 2018 by anvitalis

MIXER, a multi-language telephone speech study supporting linguistic research, technology development and education conducted by the Linguistic Data Consortium at the University of Pennsylvania. As a MIXER Participant you will talk on the telephone with other participants –typically people you do not know– for six minutes, in either English, Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish or Russian. For this reason, as a MIXER participant, it is helpful to be fluent in English and one of the following languages: Arabic (all dialects), Mandarin, Spanish and Russian. As of March 02, 2004 (and until further notice), YOU DO NOT NEED to speak a foreign language in order to participate in MIXER. The goal number of calls for each participant is twelve (12).

In the MIXER telephone speech study, you will initiate and receive telephone calls. All calls you receive will be initiated by the Linguistic Data Consortium’s robot operator, which will match participants by shared language when possible. You need only answer your phone at the time(s) you will specify later during this registration. In the MIXER study, it will also be necessary for you to initiate up to five telephone calls.

For every successful MIXER call (you speak for the full six minutes on the designated topic) in which you take part, you will receive a base rate of $6.00. If you complete all 12 calls you will receive a $50.00 bonus.


Accepts panelists from U.S. only.

Mixer Telephone Project