Blarry Research Paid Surveys Review
Updated on: August 24, 2018 by anvitalis
Blarry House Research provides recruiting and field management services to clients engaged in qualitative market research including focus groups, in-depth interviews and teleconferencing. Their senior partner Larry Wisch has organized over 12,000 groups since 1985.
Blarry House Research is looking for friendly, articulate people who like to share their opinions in focus groups and earn extra spending money in the process. Focus groups are informal discussions consisting of about ten people brought together to test a new product, evaluate an existing concept, or to share opinions on a variety of issues.
Topics include views on computer software and hardware, ideas for new video games, taste testing and naming food products, travel, healthcare, and telecommunications. The discussions are fun, usually last from 1 1/2 to 2 hours, require no preparation, and you are paid $40 to $150 for your time, depending on the topic. Everything discussed in the focus groups is kept strictly confidential.
Accepts U.S. members only.
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